Best WhatsApp Tracking Apps To Check Out

Joseph Matino
Best Whatsapp Tracking Apps

Talking about tracking apps is a bit of a tightrope walk because it’s a topic that can raise some eyebrows.

But, there are real reasons, like making sure our loved ones are safe or dealing with doubts in personal relationships, where these tools can really come in handy. WhatsApp, which is a big part of how we talk to each other every day, isn’t left out when we think about keeping things safe and checked.

In this piece, I’m going to walk you through the best free WhatsApp tracking apps I’ve found from digging around and listening to what people have to say.

What is WhatsApp Tracking?

WhatsApp tracking involves monitoring messages, call logs, and occasionally, user locations. It’s a valuable resource for anyone responsible for others’ safety, such as parents or guardians, and can also offer peace of mind to individuals in relationships seeking to address or alleviate insecurities.

These apps provide a window into the digital interactions on WhatsApp, helping us protect and understand our loved ones better.

Considerations When Choosing A Tracking App

When picking the best free WhatsApp tracking apps, it’s all about making a smart choice that keeps you on the right side of safety, security, and care for those who matter to you. Here’s a straightforward guide on what to look out for:

  1. Privacy and Security: The app should keep user information safe and secure. Strong security is vital to prevent any data leaks or unwanted access.
  2. Accuracy and Reliability: It’s crucial that the app gives you correct and consistent information. Any mistakes could lead to confusion or missing crucial details.
  3. User Interface: An app that’s easy to navigate makes all the difference. You should be able to use its features without any hassle and get clear, understandable tracking info.
  4. Ethical and Legal Considerations: Remember, tracking someone comes with big responsibility. It’s important to stay mindful of privacy laws and use the app in a way that respects others’ rights.
  5. Features and Functionality: Check what the app offers and see if it fits your needs. Whether it’s checking messages, viewing call logs, or tracking locations, the app should do what you expect.
  6. Customer Support: Good support can be a game-changer if you encounter issues. Having access to quick and helpful advice matters.
  7. Compatibility: The app needs to work with your device, whether you have an iOS or Android phone. This ensures everything runs smoothly.
  8. Reputation: Take a look at what other people say about the app. Reviews and feedback are a great way to gauge if the app lives up to its promises.

Keeping these points in mind will help you choose a WhatsApp tracking app that’s reliable and fits your specific needs, all while being mindful of the bigger picture. This approach is about balancing practicality with thoughtfulness, making sure you’re informed and responsible in your choice.

Here are the top apps for monitoring WhatsApp activities. The comparison table below provides key details, including compatibility with iOS and Android and whether jailbreaking or rooting is necessary.

Comparsion Table Of Best Free WhatsApp Tracking Apps

App NameMessage TrackingCall LogsLocation TrackingSocial Media MonitoringRequires Root/JailbreakiOS Compatible
AirDroid Parental ControlNoNoYesNoNoYes
Whats TrackerYesNoNoNoNoYes
WaRadar OnlineYesNoNoNoNoYes
WhatStat Online & Offline StatusYesNoNoNoNoYes
Who Viewed My Profile – WprofiNoNoNoYesNoYes

1. mSpy

mSpy is a top choice for anyone looking to keep tabs on WhatsApp activities. It’s got everything you need to watch over family members’ online lives, making it super useful for ensuring everyone’s digital safety.

Whatsapp Tracking Apps

What makes mSpy really stand out is not just its ability to let you see WhatsApp chats, calls, and shared media.

It also helps you know where your loved ones are thanks to its location features. Knowing where your family is, along with what they’re doing online, can give you peace of mind.

mSpy Key Features

  1. Call and Text Monitoring: This feature allows for comprehensive oversight of all phone calls and text messages on the monitored device. It ensures you’re informed about who is being contacted and what is being said, even including the ability to retrieve deleted messages.
  2. Social Media Monitoring: With mSpy, you can keep an eye on interactions across various social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. This is crucial for understanding social dynamics and potential online risks, offering insights into both public and private communications.
  3. GPS Location Tracking: mSpy’s location tracking provides real-time updates on the device’s location, along with a history of places visited. This feature is essential for ensuring the safety of family members by knowing their whereabouts at any given time.
  4. Geofencing: This lets you set designated safe zones, like home or school, and alerts you if the device enters or leaves these areas. It’s a proactive way to monitor movements without constant manual checking, adding an extra layer of safety.
  5. Internet Usage Monitoring: mSpy gives you the ability to view browsing history and block access to inappropriate websites. This helps in safeguarding against harmful online content and understanding online search behavior.
  6. Keylogger: Every keystroke made on the monitored device is recorded, including search terms, messages, and other inputs. This feature can reveal intentions and interests that may not be openly communicated, offering deeper insights into device usage.
  7. App Blocking: You can restrict access to specific apps or set overall time limits on app usage. This is particularly helpful for managing screen time and preventing access to apps that may be distracting or inappropriate.
  8. Screen Time Management: This feature enables you to set restrictions on overall device use, helping to enforce healthy digital habits. It’s a valuable tool for parents looking to balance online activities with offline life.

For folks keeping an eye on their loved ones’ online safety, mSpy offers a straightforward way to stay informed. Its set of features covers pretty much everything you might worry about, from where they are to what they’re doing online.

It’s a helpful tool for those who care about keeping their family safe in the digital world.

2. FlexiSPY

FlexiSPY is a robust application for individuals requiring detailed oversight of WhatsApp and other digital communications.

Whatsapp Tracking Apps

Its capabilities are especially suited for those who need a granular level of monitoring, such as parents concerned about their children’s online safety or employers ensuring company devices are used appropriately.

FlexiSPY Key Features

  1. Call Interception: Enables you to hear live phone calls, giving insight into the conversations of the monitored device. This feature is vital for anyone looking to understand the nature of the calls being made or received.
  2. Ambient Listening: Allows you to remotely activate the microphone on the device, providing you with the ability to listen to the device’s surroundings. This can be incredibly useful for ensuring the safety of loved ones or the security of company equipment.
  3. Message Monitoring: Offers visibility into a wide range of messaging apps, including WhatsApp, allowing you to read sent and received messages. This ensures no communication is missed, providing a full picture of digital interactions.
  4. Social Media Tracking: Gives you access to monitor activities across social media platforms. This feature is essential for a complete understanding of online presence and interactions, helping to protect against online threats.
  5. GPS Tracking: Tracks the real-time location of the device, as well as providing a history of locations visited. This feature is crucial for anyone needing to know the whereabouts of a person or a device, enhancing safety and security.

FlexiSPY offers a suite of advanced monitoring features designed for those who need a thorough understanding of their loved ones’ or employees’ digital and physical environments. Its comprehensive tools provide peace of mind through detailed insights into communications, social media interactions, and locations.

3. Eyezy

Eyezy is all about giving parents a hand with keeping an eye on their kids’ online worlds. It’s packed with helpful features such as location tracking, keeping tabs on social media, and managing how much screen time is okay.

Whatsapp Tracking Apps

With Eyezy, you can easily see where your kids are, read their texts, check their call history, and know what they’re up to on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Plus, it’s great for setting screen time limits and blocking sites or apps that aren’t kid-friendly, helping you steer your child’s digital journey in the right direction.

Eyezy Key Features

  1. Location Tracking
    It’s comforting to know where your kids are, especially when they’re not home. Eyezy’s GPS tracking lets you check in on their location anytime, adding a layer of safety.
  2. Social Media Monitoring
    Keeping an eye on who your kids interact with online and what they post can help you guide them through the complexities of social media, making sure they’re safe and sound.
  3. Screen Time Management
    Encouraging kids to spend less time glued to screens and more on other activities is simple with Eyezy. You can easily set daily screen time limits.
  4. Content Blocking
    Shielding kids from content that’s not age-appropriate is key. With Eyezy, blocking certain websites and apps is straightforward, ensuring they only see what’s suitable.
  5. Call and Text Monitoring
    Knowing who your kids are texting or calling offers insight into their social circles. Eyezy makes it easy to stay updated on their communications.

By focusing on these key areas, Eyezy not only aids in monitoring but also in actively shaping a safer digital experience for children.

4. uMobix

uMobix is a real game-changer for parents who want to make sure their kids are safe online and in the real world. It’s all about giving you the tools to check in on where they are, who they’re talking to, and what they’re looking at on the internet.

Whatsapp Tracking Apps

Using uMobix means you can have a real-time look at your child’s whereabouts, offering a sense of security whenever they’re not within sight. It also cracks open the door to their social media lives, letting you see what’s happening on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Plus, uMobix is great for helping kids find the right balance between screen time and other activities, and it gives you a way to keep certain online content off-limits.

uMobix Key Features

  1. Location Tracking
    It’s comforting to always know your child’s location. uMobix updates you with live locations, making it easier to ensure they’re safe and sound.
  2. Social Media Monitoring
    Get a peek into your child’s social media world. uMobix shows you their activities, helping you understand their online interactions better.
  3. Screen Time Management
    Encouraging kids to take a break from screens is important. With uMobix, setting up daily screen limits helps keep a healthy balance.
  4. Content Blocking
    Keeping kids away from stuff they shouldn’t see online is crucial. uMobix makes it easy to block unwanted content, keeping their online world friendly and safe.

uMobix gives parents a helpful way to watch over their kids’ digital and physical spaces. It’s not just about monitoring but offering a supportive hand in managing their online experiences for better, safer, and more meaningful digital habits.

5. AirDroid Parental Control

AirDroid Parental Control offers parents a straightforward way to keep an eye on their kids’ digital and real-world activities. It’s a handy app for tracking where your children are and how they’re using their devices, from who they’re talking to, to what they’re looking at online.

What makes AirDroid stand out is how it simplifies parental control. It’s designed to help parents ensure their children are using the internet safely and responsibly.

AirDroid Parental Control Key Features

  1. Location Tracking
    Knowing where your children are can bring peace of mind. AirDroid updates you with their location in real time, helping you feel connected to their day-to-day movements.
  2. Social Media Monitoring
    AirDroid lets you see your child’s social media activities. This feature is about understanding their online interactions and ensuring they’re safe while they scroll.
  3. Screen Time Management
    Encouraging kids to have a balanced approach to screen time is important. AirDroid makes it easy to set daily limits, promoting a healthy mix of activities.
  4. Content Blocking
    Keeping certain websites and apps off-limits is crucial for online safety. AirDroid allows you to block unwanted content, making sure your children are browsing safely.

AirDroid Parental Control helps parents stay informed about their children’s online behavior and location, offering tools to assist in managing their digital experiences effectively.

6. Whats Tracker

Whats Tracker offers a straightforward way for people to stay updated on their WhatsApp activity and that of their close ones. It’s particularly handy for anyone eager to understand more about who’s checking out their profile and when friends or family are online.

Key Features of Whats Tracker

  • Profile Viewer: Lets you see who’s been looking at your WhatsApp profile.
  • Online Status Tracking: Get alerts when specific contacts are online, so you’re always in the know.
  • Detailed Reports: Access easy-to-understand reports on how much time you or others spend on WhatsApp, including usage patterns.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The app is simple to use, making it easy to find your way around its features.
  • Privacy Protection: You can use Whats Tracker without worrying about your personal info getting out.

Whats Tracker is great for anyone looking to get a bit more insight into their WhatsApp usage or keep an eye on how family members or employees use the app.

With its user-friendly design and focus on privacy, it helps you monitor WhatsApp activity in a straightforward way, without the unnecessary complications.

7. WaRadar Online

WaRadar Online is an app designed to help users monitor the online activity of their contacts on WhatsApp. It allows you to track when your contacts are online and offline, providing detailed insights into their usage patterns.

With WaRadar Online, you can set up notifications to alert you when specific contacts come online, helping you stay informed about their availability.

This app is particularly useful for parents who want to keep an eye on their children’s online activity or for individuals who want to track the online presence of friends or colleagues.

Key Features of WaRadar Online

  • Real-Time Online and Offline Tracking: Know exactly when someone logs into or out of WhatsApp, offering you a live feed of their online status.
  • Notifications for Contact Activity: Set up alerts to be informed immediately when specific contacts are active on WhatsApp. This feature is perfect for catching the best times to send a message or for monitoring availability.
  • Detailed Usage Insights: Gain an understanding of how frequently and for how long your contacts use WhatsApp, which can be invaluable for parents monitoring their children or for professionals tracking team communication habits.
  • Privacy and Security: WaRadar Online prioritizes your privacy, ensuring that your monitoring activities are kept confidential and secure.

WaRadar Online is especially useful for parents wanting to oversee their kids’ online time or for individuals who wish to know when their friends or colleagues are available on WhatsApp.

It combines detailed tracking features with a commitment to user privacy, all within an easy-to-use interface.

8. WhatStat Online & Offline Status

WhatStat Online & Offline Status serves as a helpful tool for anyone interested in keeping track of when their WhatsApp contacts are diving into and stepping out of the app.

It gives you a detailed view of their active times, helping you understand their WhatsApp usage patterns.

WhatStat Online & Offline Status Key Features

  • Real-Time Status Tracking: Keep up with the online and offline movements of your contacts, offering a live glimpse into their WhatsApp activity.
  • Instant Notifications: Receive alerts the moment your contacts become active or inactive, ensuring you’re always in the loop.
  • Detailed Activity Reports: Access in-depth reports that break down online behaviors, showing you how often and when your contacts are using WhatsApp.

WhatStat is perfect for those looking to get a handle on their own WhatsApp habits or for anyone who needs to stay informed about the online whereabouts of family, friends, or coworkers.

It’s all about giving you insights and control over the WhatsApp presence in your circle, packaged in an easy-to-use app.

9. Who Viewed My Profile – Wprofi

Wprofi offers a unique way to uncover who’s been peeking at your profile across different social media platforms, including WhatsApp. By showing you a list of viewers, it sheds light on who’s interested in your online persona.

Who Viewed My Profile – Wprofi Key Features

  • Profile Viewer Insights: Find out who has viewed your profile, offering a glimpse into your social media audience.
  • Cross-Platform Functionality: Wprofi works across various social media platforms, making it versatile for tracking your presence beyond just WhatsApp.
  • Audience Curiosity Satisfaction: Perfect for those eager to understand their social media appeal or for anyone curious about who’s checking them out online.

Wprofi stands out for anyone interested in the reach and impact of their social media profiles, including WhatsApp.

It caters to the curiosity of understanding your online visibility, all through a straightforward and engaging app experience.

10. HoverWatch

Finally, we have HoverWatch, a monitoring tool tailored for those who want to stay updated on the online and offline activities of their WhatsApp contacts. This app is all about giving you a clear picture of when people are active on the messaging platform, letting you in on their usage habits.

HoverWatch Key Features

  • Real-Time Status Tracking: Keep tabs on your contacts’ online and offline movements with live updates.
  • Instant Notifications: Get notified immediately when someone goes online or offline, so you’re always in the know.
  • In-Depth Activity Reports: Dive into detailed reports that outline the online habits of your contacts, from how often they log in to their active hours.

HoverWatch comes in handy for parents looking to oversee their kids’ online interactions, as well as for anyone needing to know when their friends or colleagues are available. It’s a powerful tool for staying connected and informed, ensuring you never miss a beat in the digital world.


These 10 free WhatsApp tracking apps offer a range of functionalities, from basic message tracking to advanced features like real-time location tracking and monitoring online and offline statuses. Depending on your specific needs, each app provides unique capabilities to help you monitor WhatsApp activities effectively and responsibly.

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